Chi Massager for Improved Health and Wellbeing
By Luchito Ruiz
The ancient Chinese knew the benefits of massage and they used their knowledge of the body's subtle energy systems to develop chi massage. They sometimes combined this with acupuncture or acupressure.
Many good massage therapists these days use a chi massager on accupressure points for releasing muscle spasm. Usually this is caused by some form of trauma or injury and the muscle tenses and blocks blood flow. This causes an ischemic reaction where more pain creates more tension and consequently less blood flow. This area is usually very painful so very gentle massage is advisable with particular attention to the pressure point involved.
Fortunately these days we have access to some fantastic chi massagers that give us the ability to treat our sore muscles at home. Most use gentle movement and heat to relax the tissue around the area of pain. This is far more convenient than having to go to a massage therapist and far more economical. Of course there's nothing like a really good massage!
Pain relief is not the only benefit of massage. The benefits are numerous and add to overall health and well-being. You may even feel well before you use your chi massager but afterwards everything feels that much better. This is because you have stimulated your blood flow, your lymph flow and energy meridians. Our bodies get sluggish due to many factors. Modern diet with all it's additives and preservatives really taxes our immune systems. Our sedentary lifestyle doesn't give us the chance to detoxify the way our 'vehicle less' ancestors did.
Our health is our responsibility. An ounce of prevention is better than a ton of cure! Massage falls squarely into the prevention category and is something I believe everyone should do. It's so easy and so so enjoyable. And now there's no excuse. We can have our own massage therapist on tap 24/7 with the amazing chi massagers that are available.
Personally I love the Shiatsu Chi Back Massager, it's so convenient and so good. Check out the review I did on my web site.
Lucito Ruiz is a professional masseur and body worker. He is passionate about his career because he loves to help people to better health. He knows that it is impossible for many people to get a real hands on massage so he recommends buying a chi massager. There are may brands and types for all types of massage for various parts of the body. Luchito has created a website where he reviews various shiatsu chi massage machines. Check it out by clicking on the previous link.
Article Source:
Health and Wellbeing
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