Friday, 25 April 2008

What is Eczema?

What is Eczema?

Eczema is a terrible condition for those that suffer from it and to make matters worse medical science still doesn't fully understand what triggers the condition; it may be some time until the true cause is discovered. This skin condition is easy to recognize with areas of dry, red skin that are very itchy. These are not the only signs because someone who suffers with it may also have some blisters in these areas that appear to have a crust like surface.

Many types of eczema exist with the most popular form called atopic eczema; this too is known, like the rest, to have a severe itching symptom. However, the itching sensation is much more pronounced, and if a person with atopic eczema scratches their skin, the condition is just exacerbated. Another problem caused by the condition is it makes the skin more sensitive to almost any substance; sufferers avoid contact with soaps and washing powders but other man-made items such as make-up can have the same effect as well.

The situation in small children doesn't look as severe at first as the patchy red skin is not on the skins surface but below it. The one consistent factor with eczema is the itchy skin; in these situations it is not the disorder causing the problem as itching is the one consistent factor with the condition. Eczema patients are given creams and lotions for example to use when they have flare-ups but if they use the treatment on some itchy skin where there is a rash and if the itching is helped but the rash remains it is more than likely that the rash has nothing to do with the itch.

The problem is that because it is possible to have other medical conditions where itching is a symptom that diagnosis cannot be made this simply. Keep in mind though that eczema without a rash does not exist and it is still a problem today to fully understand the cause of itching. Red skin is another symptom of and this is as a result of the increased blood flow in the area.

The reason the skin can suddenly flare up with eczema and become inflamed is complex because many factors can be involved; even slight bacterial infections can cause inflammation. The other obvious signs are of course the blisters which generally speaking are quite tiny but larger blisters can be seen on people occasionally; a bacterial infection or a condition of your particular skin type many be the cause of this. These blisters may contain small amounts of fluid and in some cases a pus; great care is required not to make matters worse (by scratching) than they already are.

What is Eczema?

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Detox Solutions Know-How

We provide our detox foot pads and patches to the common public at wholesale prices and health care experts such as Reflexology Experts, sports psychoanalysts and private clinics who have vastly recommended our detox pads to their clients.

Through far-reaching research based on the natural healing powers of macrobiotic substances produced by nature, it was discovered that lumber and wicker vinegar extracts have the distinctive property of adsorbing destructive bodily toxins. Our scientists soon discovered by combining several of mother nature's most influential healing elements together it was possible to create a 100% natural body detoxification principle that works wonders. The remuneration of using detox pads on a standard basis helps to prevent the gathering of toxins in the body, thus substantially reducing the chances of poor health and disease.

A few of the many advantages of removing harmful body toxins include:

• Quality of slumber - helps fight Aging and Fatigue
• Increased Metabolism - speeds mass Loss
• Activates Red Blood Cells - improving Blood flow
• Enhanced Immune System - fights off poor health, disease
• Water preservation - Relieving Aches and Pains in Joints
• Speeds integration of Nutrients to Cells

How do detox foot pads work?

For hundreds of years, eastern medication understood toxins traveled downwards in the body accumulating in the tips of our toes and ankles. They also understood that toxin accumulation escort to many degenerative diseases. For instance painful rheumatism and arthritis were rooted by acidic toxic fluids accumulating around the joints.

In foot reflexology, the feet are considered channels to numerous fundamental organs, with over 60 acupuncture points on the soles of our feet. Our detox foot pads contain natural components which excite these acupuncture points through the coalesced action of lumber/wicker vinegar, far-infrared energy and negative ion emissions. This stimulation results in the breakdown of water and waste molecules that free impasses in the circulatory and lymphatic coordination’s. Cleansing in nature begins in the soles of our feet.

Mr.Monish is a Copywriter of Foot detox pads. He written many articles in various topics.For more information visit: detox foot her at

Sunday, 6 April 2008

What is cancer?

There was a film in the early 1990's starring Sean Connery as a research scientist who discovers the cure for cancer; cancer has killed untold millions, but each year the cure for this disease gets another step closer. The cure will come eventually and the world will rejoice that this awful disease that can strike anyone at any time has been silenced. The reasons cancer is triggered in the body are only theories as it can be caused by many things.

There are theories that we all have it and it just takes something to start it off, but what is cancer? Well, it is a disease that's characterized by a large number of cells that continue to grow and divide; they invade and destroy adjacent tissues and may even spread to other anatomical sites through a process called metastasis.

The difference between a cancerous tumor an a benign one is that malignant tumors continue to grow whereas benign ones limit their growth an many of us live comfortably with them during out lives without even knowing. The disease may affect people of all ages and there is an increased risk of suffering from the more common cancers as you get older; cancer is responsible for around 130,000 deaths for every one million people each year. Nearly all cancers are caused by abnormalities in the genetic material of the transformed cells; these abnormalities may be caused by other poisons within the body from smoking, radiation, chemicals or other infectious agents.

Although genetic abnormalities may be caused by it they may also be randomly acquired through problems in the body's DNA replication; a genetic trait may be inherited and thus present in all cells from birth. It is still not fully understood why one person will contract the disease and another be free from it but it is believed that the interactions between any carcinogens and each person's particular DNA is complicated.

Owing to the worldwide problem of cancer, it is regularly studied throughout the world and extending our knowledge on the subject. Much of the world's research into diseases is to try and find the reason why some people do not contract certain diseases whilst others do. Knowledge like this could enable more people avoid contracting cancer in the first place.

It is now believed by many that the food we eat could be responsible for many cases. Even if this is not the case, what we eat does have an effect on our overall and long term health. There are certain foods that are considered risky such as excess salt in the diet, too much saturated fat and overindulgence in dairy foods. In particular, excess calcium is believed to have a direct effect on the incidence of prostrate cancer amongst men around the world.

No-one is immune from cancer. It can affect anyone at some time in a person's life. Sometimes the disease is only picked up through routine screening. Usually the cancer is at an early stage and a person may have a better chance of being cured. the number of different types of cancer that can be treated has increased dramatically in recent years with so much intensive research being carried out. Advancements in medical techniques mean that cancer in many cases can be treated and often completely cured; it is only a matter of time before a complete cure is discovered.

Thursday, 3 April 2008

Stay happy to avoid dementia

Alzheimer's disease causes a progressive degeneration of the mind in the elderly; other types of dementia include Parkinson's disease and Huntingdon's - which isn't entirely restricted to the elderly. If you spent time with a person with Alzheimer's disease, you will see a gradual decay in their ability to remember; the problem in the past has been the accuracy of diagnosis which has gradually improved and is now up to 94 percent accurate. Although discovered just over a century ago by Alois Alzheimer, it is only during the last 30 years that research into this disease has increased; its effects are not fully understood even today with all the research that has been carried out.

Studies have shown that the greatest known risk for developing Alzheimer's is increasing age. Unfortunately, the person experiencing the early symptoms of Alzheimer's will know something is wrong but won't admit it to others or even to themselves; this can be a difficult time for family members who need to know what is wrong.

As far as treatment is concerned, Alzheimer's disease is treated in the same manner as other types of dementia. Unfortunately, because there is still so much that is unknown about the disease, there is no definite way to treat it although some symptoms can be improved or slowed down with drugs. The mental abilities of an Alzheimer's disease sufferer can be improved with the use of prescribed medication like Donepezil, Tacrine, and Rivastigmine; improvements have shown to help the average sufferer's cognitive abilities by up to six months.

Memantine is a new drug that slows deterioration during the later stages and is a derivative of the decades old anti-influenza drug Amantadine; this new drug is used on patients with moderate to severe Alzheimer's already receiving Donepezil. Memantine is the first medicine to show such positive results with sufferers with few problems associated with its use; as 80 percent of the drug is passed in urine unchanged there is very little left to cause any harm.

Alzheimer's disease is considered to be a major public health challenge because the average age of the industrialized world's population is increasing. it is already the fourth largest killer in the United States. That is not the only problem because medical costs continue to increase and is something that needs some long term consideration; with an annual cost of 40 billion US dollars for care and treatment, looking after patients is set to be a major problem. The National Institute on Aging spends half of its annual funding on research into this age related disease; currently there are over 300 different compounds at various stages of development for its treatment.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is one proven method you can use to reduce the risks of contracting dementia. Researchers believe that a person suffering with Alzheimer's who maintains their health and happiness slows down the deteriorating effects. This disease is still almost exclusively and aging condition; there have however, been recent occasions (although rare) where a younger person has developed this condition.

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

What are Antioxidants?

Antioxidants are substances that, among other things, help protect your cells against the effects of the free radicals produced during normal metabolism and growth. Antioxidants are potent scavengers of free radicals and serve as inhibitors of neoplastic (cancerous) processes. A large number of synthetic and natural antioxidants have been demonstrated to induce beneficial effects on human health and disease prevention.

Antioxidants are present in foods as vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and polyphenols, among others. Antioxidants are present in many foods, most famously in berries, certain vegetables, red wine, green tea and even dark chocolate, and are also beneficial when taken as supplements.

Antioxidants are plentiful in more common vitamins such as retinol or Vitamin A, ascorbic acid or Vitamin C, tocopherol or Vitamin E, and selenium. They can be nutrients (vitamins and minerals) as well as enzymes (proteins in your body that assist in chemical reactions)

Vitamin C, a water-soluble glucose derivative, has considerable antioxidant activity in vitro, in part because of its ease of oxidation and because the semidehydroascorbate radical derived from it is of low reactivity. Vitamin C in vivo is an essential cofactor for a range of enzymes involved in diverse metabolic pathways, but much recent literature has focused on its antioxidant effects.

Vitamin E supplementation improves cell-mediated immunity in mice and in humans. In addition to modulating the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins, vitamin E can modulate immune/endothelial cells interactions, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), a major cause of morbidity and mortality in elderly.

“Free radicals are molecules produced when your body breaks down food, or by environmental exposures like tobacco smoke and radiation. Free radicals can damage cells, and may play a role in heart disease, cancer and other diseases”.US National Library of Medicine . From this statement it is easy to see how important it is to ensure that you digest foods with antioxidant properties.